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Accounting for Jewelers
Guest Author:  Danetha Doe, Celebrity Financial Strategist My 3 Favorite Bookkeeping Programs If you’re searching for a bookkeeping program, hopefully you’ve read my post about How to Pick the Prettiest One. In it I talk about how at the end of the day, all programs do the exact same thing. Some have more bells and whistles,...
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Best Job Time Tracking Apps for Jewelers It’s difficult to track your time per job due to distractions of taking phone calls, answering customer’s and colleague’s questions, and petting your beloved furry friend; I get this. It’s even worse if you keep Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, or your what ever your flavor of social...
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Project Management for Jewelers to help with Workflow is a constant concern for getting jobs done on time. Accounting for jewelers isn’t only about bookkeeping, it’s about keeping you accountable to yourself, your employees, and your clients. One of the most time-saving and helpful procedures I have implemented with my contract work and collaborative projects...
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