Do you have a feature request or question? Please email us!
Feature update: Materials Import consolidated and improved under new Materials Navigation under Products.
Feature update: Account Import now able to assign Contact to Account on Import CSV
Feature update: Special characters are now allowed in Product Import CSV
Feature update: Added ability to Sort Orders by Payment Terms, Date (ascend/descend), State, etc.
Feature update: Copy Product completely = now also includes Variations, plus Sku and Price per Variant)
Feature update: Copy Product now includes Materials Recipe
Shopify update: HTML character fix
Help update: Now able to restart the Tour of BenchWorks feature from the Help page.
Help update: Links to YouTube Tutorials are now visible within BenchWorks Help Section
Feature update: Production Batches not showing as Saved -Repaired
Feature update: Fixed Security Issue on BenchWorks logout for complete close out without being able to click back button and get back into account.
Shopify update: Shopify API and Shopify Billing API to match their approval process.
Site update: added Integrations tab to comply with Xero Add-on Requirements
New Feature: Added ability to Filter Orders by Status
New Feature: Added ability to Copy a Product. Includes sku, name, pictures, description, and pricing.
Shopify update: Changed wording to reflect states on Shopify Sync Import: connected, new items available for import.
Feature update: Added Date Created field to Inventory Data Export
LineSheet update: Fixed functionality of “Share Link” for Linesheets
Feature update: Invoices: Show both Account’s Name (Company) and Account’s Contact Name (Person), Email, Phone Number and Address.
Feature update: Production Batch: Button in Orders > Production Queue now allows user to Cancel, Edit or Save items from the order into inventory.
Help update: Site-wide Error Notices: Change from blanket errors to specific causes to help users solve problems. Example: when user logged in with wrong email, error stated Oops, can’t login right now, please contact tech support. Now shows Wrong email, try again. Import errors now show exactly what is wrong.
Feature update: Added ability to edit Invoice Number to allow for new users to start off where left off in prior invoicing sequence and to help match physical job orders to BenchWorks order numbers.
Feature update: Added Orders History (All) to the Orders Tab and ability to Export Orders.
Help update: Added How to Charge for Shipping
Help update: Added Tab to link to BenchWorks Video Tutorials on YouTube
Shopify updates: Shopify App certificates
Integration update: Xero Invoices now bring over Shipping Line
Navigation improvement: revised Per Variation Pricing link appearance with button and numbers: 1) Add Variation. 2) Set Per Variation Pricing.
LineSheet update: corrected resizing in web page which made options un-selectable in line sheets.
Feature update: added information next to Pencil icon for clarification that this icon allows users to Edit Profile.
Feature update: Resolved printing error for consignment inventory slip PDF with large product load.
Feature update: Resolved time out error for large product load.
Xero update: Improved deep links for integration with Xero. You can now see the Invoice Number on the Order in BenchWorks as a button that links directly to the Invoice in Xero.
Feature update: Added SKU to CSV exports.
New Feature: Added Product Variation prices to Line Sheets.
Feature update: CSV export update to show Product Variations as separate line items.
Xero update: Repaired Xero Integration error.
LineSheet update: Fixed Line sheet image sizing caused by a footer error.
New Feature: Xero Integration Complete! You can now sync Benchworks Orders into Xero Sales Invoices to get paid online and/or to reconcile with bank deposits. Optional integration is also complete for users that have Raw Materials enabled in Benchworks. Now, when you have materials assigned to a Finished Good Recipe and sell it on an fulfilled order that syncs to Xero, you can now have Xero automatically record the movement of material cost from Inventory Asset to Cost of Goods Sold.
Shopify update: Confirmed Shopify tags are embedded on import for nice display in the User Interface.
LineSheet update: centering of all content. No more left aligned line sheets!
Server update: Upgraded web application framework to most current release. Before Accounting for Jewelers took over the application in November 2017, the site hadn’t been maintained since 2014. Therefore, we did extensive regression testing in a sandbox version of the site before going live, and then monitored user issues in production. Successful upgrade.
User Notice: As BenchWorks was newly acquired by Accounting for Jewelers, LLC based in Nashville, TN, we have different state laws for digital programs that require us to remit sales tax based on your location. Therefore, we are now requiring your billing address. Existing users will receive a prompt to add their address, and new users will be prompted to enter the address when the free trial ends.
LineSheet update: Your User Profile Information, including Company Name, Email Address, and Phone (optional) is now automatically included as a footer on every page of generated Linesheets.
New Feature: Add your phone number to your User Profile, and you now have an option to include it on the Invoices sent to your client accounts.
Feature update: Material Cost is now a column on your Inventory Export between Quantity and Wholesale Price. Default pricing shows for Wholesale and Retail when set for Products.
Help update: added topics to answer requests on adding SKU Numbers to Products.
Feature update: Added ability to Manage Product Variations from the Inventory Tab. Had previously only been visible when editing a product.
Server update: for modern deployment to improve performance in all environments including slow connections.
Help update: Pop to top of right divider for all topics. Some links at the bottom did not auto scroll back to the top of the page to the answer and appeared nothing was happening.
Navigation update: BenchWorks login page logo now links to Home Page