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Brooke asks,
Q: I’ve seen a lot of people getting hacked on FB and I’m scared it’s going to release my credit card info. I tried to cancel payment and I’m not sure how to disconnect my credit card from these socials? Any idea?
A: If you have a Facebook Ads account, you won’t be able to remove your primary credit card.
Best Practices:
- Use or create an email address specifically for social media, mailing lists, unimportant subscriptions, etc.
- Never use an email account for social media that also receives sensitive information.
- All someone needs is the last 4 of your social, your full name and your birthday to steal your identity. So, if you have things like this stored in your email, make sure it’s not available on Facebook or other social media accounts and make sure that this email address is not associated with your social media. I’ve heard that if they can hack your Facebook, they can hack the associated email.