Alrighty! Do you make jewelry?
Do you also run a business?
If so, you might be like me. I find it difficult to manage my time when I have so many other things to do than to sit at the bench –even if that is the thing I want to do most.
If admin-type stuff gets in your way, join me on the Jewelry Making 30 Day Challenge!
- Do you want to take control of your schedule, so you’re being productive in your workshop for a certain number of hours per day?
- Are you struggling to make more pieces for a collection rather than just fulfill orders?
- Do you miss feeling creative because you’re overwhelmed with business tasks?
Then, I hope you’ll commit the month of May to creating space in your day to arrange your focus the way you’d like it to be.
May has 31 days. If you do all 31 days and document it with 1 photo per day in an album, then I’ll give you an award.
Personally, I am aiming to restructure my weekdays to always work at least 4 hours at my bench, so that is only 22 days. On the weekends, I’m going to do a minimum of 1 hour of pure fun, no limits jewelry fabrication to reconnect me to my creative roots, juices, and whatever else I can muster.
If this sounds good to you, hop on over to Google+ and join the group.
If you’re wondering why G+ instead of Facebook, you can read why in the FAQ here.
Update: You can now take this challenge on your own pace! Click here to Join the Facebook Group and check out the Image Gallery for 30 daily challenges. The Challenge happens l i v e every May!
It will be great to use my Google+ for something! I am looking forward to this!
Yes, I know! It is good for something after all. Thanks for joining, Barb!
Wellll,I had a Google plus account for a while, just could not remember the password. Hopefully I am okay now! Above email is the one I use. This is good for me, I have a small presentation on the 22 and I need a firecracker up my butt to get me going on the collection!!!
Thanks for the attention…
Oh good, Judy! Let’s do it!
This is just what I needed! I have been spending so much time behind a computer and I need some motivation to get makin’. Great idea!
Exactly, Morgan. The online needs are necessary, but not as much as our focus at the bench. Aiming for balance and we’ll teeter along the way, but effort counts!
Sounds great! This is just what I need right now.
Love to hear it, Heather!
Google says I need an invitation to join this group.
Hi Judy, once you join Google+ you can request to join & I can then approve your request. It is a private community, but we want you in it! If you were already a member of Google+, I could send you an invitation, but your email is currently invalid.
One of the best reasons for having a profile on Google+ is that if you have a website and are the “author” of your blog posts, Google gives you “authority” in page ranking because they know you’re a real person. Please let me know if you have any other issues trying to join & thanks for letting me know this! To ask for help directly, please email support[at]accountingforjewelers[dot]com