
November 5, 2019
Gifts cards, cash, employee discounts and inventory are always taxable to the employee.One $25 business gift deduction per year per recipient is not included in pay as a bonus. This can be for employees or outside of business.Exception: gift amount is not limited if giving a gift that benefits a company as a whole, such as sending...
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New States continue to roll out as part of the Marketplace Sales Tax Nexus. As of October 1, 2019, Etsy is collecting and remitting Sales Tax in many states, including California and Colorado on behalf of sellers. We, at Accounting for Jewelers, keep this up to date for you as our client with Sales Tax...
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PayPal: effective as of October 11, 2019, will not charge a fee to process refunds, but the fees from the original transaction will not be returned.Want to know more? Does not apply to VoidsSpeak up in the PayPal communityAll about PayPal refunds
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